Getting Help With Social Anxiety

Mental health and substance use are often linked. People who struggle with anxiety or depression may self-medicate to alleviate symptoms. It is estimated that 34% of the population will suffer […]

Getting Help With Social Anxiety

Mental health and substance use are often linked. People who struggle with anxiety or depression may self-medicate to alleviate symptoms. It is estimated that 34% of the population will suffer […]

How Stress Affects Your Health

Stress can be positive or negative. Positive stress pushes you to do your best. It gives an extra boost that can improve your performance. However, our bodies weren’t meant to […]

Managing Stress During Christmas

Most people feel stress during Christmas. Though it is supposed to be a happy time, there is a lot to do and people to see. When you are experiencing intense stress, […]

Mental Health and Thanksgiving

When it comes to mental health and Thanksgiving, you may be worried. For many people, addiction and mental health disorders can make holidays like this very challenging. People come together […]

7 Ways to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is a way that our bodies attempt to deal with stress. In a healthy person, anxiety occurs when there is a real risk, and an individual needs to take […]

5 Common Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a component of everyday life. Most people feel anxious before a big speech or when they have to talk to their boss. For other people, anxiety becomes a […]

Observing World Mental Health Day

How much value do you put on mental illness and its impact on your overall wellbeing? World Mental Health Day is a good time to take a step back and […]

Anxiety In Young Adults

Anxiety is a very common emotion. In many ways, it is a healthy one, especially when it can help you to be apprehensive about a potentially risky situation. For other […]

Mental Illness Awareness Week

During Mental Illness Awareness Week, the goal is to open up the conversation and talk about this very real, debilitating set of conditions. If you are like many people who […]

Adderall Addiction in Young Adults

While addiction issues can happen at any age, there’s a specific risk to consider when it comes to Adderall addiction and young adults. That’s because more young people are prescribed […]

Stress and Relapse Can Go Hand-in-Hand

You are stressed. Every day, you are facing incredible stress. If you are in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, it is critical to manage your stress in the most […]

Tips for Reducing Stress at Work

Even the best jobs come with their own kind of stress. It could be related to trying to meet a deadline for a project or dealing with an employee leaving […]

Signs of an Anxiety Attack

Anxiety is a healthy reaction people experience when they feel they are facing a threat. However, sometimes the reaction is out of proportion to the situation at hand. If you […]

Getting Help for Depression

It’s common for people to experience bouts of sadness at some point in life. However, depression is more than just feeling sad. It is an illness that should be treated […]

Dealing with Childhood Trauma

The things we witness or experience as a child often affect us as adults. Some people end up becoming more driven as a way of coping with their issues. Others […]

Find Mental Health Help and Safety in Rehab

Men and women with mental health disorders often require one-on-one support from a therapist. This is especially true if you are using drugs and alcohol as a way to cope […]

Common Mental Health Disorders

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health disorders. While everyone worries from time to time, anxiety disorders are different. These common mental health disorders cause anxiety that […]