Most people feel stress during Christmas. Though it is supposed to be a happy time, there is a lot to do and people to see. When you are experiencing intense stress, you’re putting yourself at risk for mental health complications. Stress management can minimize this. At Serenity Light Recovery, we can provide you with the tools to make that happen.

Stress During Christmas Doesn’t Have to Limit Your Happiness

For some people, stress during Christmas is significant, and it can take over everything you are doing. You may be:

No matter what type of stress you have, it’s important to manage it properly. Doing so can help you avoid mental health complications. How do you do this? Find some type of stress management that works for you. There are various ways to reduce stress, but you’ll need to find something that fits your situation. Here are some ideas.

Exercise: This is one of the most effective ways to overcome stress. Exercise burns off cortisol, which is the hormone your body produces when you are under stress during Christmas or any other time. Exercising in some way helps you to feel more at ease.

Open Up: One of the ways you can minimize risks to your mental health is by having someone to talk to who will not judge you or tell you how you should feel. If you don’t have someone like this in your life, a mental health expert can provide support to you.

Recognize Change: If the stress during Christmas events is just too much for you, make the decision not to be there. That is, there are some situations that you should not continue to put yourself through, especially when there is past trauma.

Try to Spend Time Outdoors: Getting outdoors and into the sun, even if it is somewhat limited during the winter months, can offer an excellent way to reduce stress. This helps to boost your immune system and gives your body and brain a break from the stress you feel.

Volunteer: You may have so much to do during the holidays that this seems impossible. However, if you find a way to make time for other people, it can directly reduce the amount of stress you feel. It also can help with stress management just to be around people who need you and your help.

Remember, you don’t have to create a perfect Christmas. What’s most important to ensure your mental health remains healthy.

How to Manage Stress During Christmas

In some situations, men and women struggle with stress management so much, so during the holidays that they turn to substances to help them cope. Even if you don’t feel using alcohol or drugs is a problem, it can lead to addiction. For those already in recovery, that stress puts you at risk for relapse and even overdose. For those reasons, if you are using substances to cope, make the holidays a time when you get help.

Serenity Light Recovery offers the tools you need to do that. We can help you with:

Explore the Treatment Options We Offer at Serenity Light Recovery

When it comes to stress during Christmas, chances are good you will have some in every situation. Yet, with stress management techniques, you may be able to reduce your risk of complex situations and negative mental health outcomes. At Serenity Light Recovery, we can help you overcome these challenges. Call us at 855.658.6109 to learn how.