Meth and Mental Health Disorders

Meth, short for methamphetamine, is a central nervous system stimulant with a high risk of addiction. In addition to the extremely severe side effects and health concerns associated with meth […]

Common Depressive Disorders

If you feel sad or depressed, you’re not alone. Depression is more common than you might think. Many of those who struggle with depression never seek treatment and might not […]

Major Depressive Disorder

If you are struggling with feelings of sadness, apathy, or hopelessness, you aren’t alone. Major depressive disorders affect more than three million people in the United States each year. However, […]

Understanding Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, more formally called seasonal affective disorder, is a true type of depression that should not be ignored. It tends to occur when a person feels significant and prolonged […]

Mental Health and Thanksgiving

When it comes to mental health and Thanksgiving, you may be worried. For many people, addiction and mental health disorders can make holidays like this very challenging. People come together […]

Signs of Major Depression

Most people feel sad from time to time. Most of the time, it is brought on by something we experience. It fades away as time goes by. For others, it […]

How Alcohol and Depression Are Related

The relationship between alcohol and depression is an important one, and unfortunately a common one, as well. But that doesn’t have to be your future. At Serenity Light Recovery, we’re focused on […]

Alcohol and Depression: A Twisted Duo

Mental health issues and alcohol don’t mix well, but depression is an especially tricky beast when it comes to drinking. Many people who struggle with depression and alcohol abuse end […]