Creativity involves finding new ways to express ideas in original or adaptive ways. It helps individuals adjust to changes in their environment and can bring them joy. Substance abuse suppresses creativity and takes away the joy and enrichment that creative outlets bring. Reigniting the spark of creativity lets those in recovery find alternative avenues of expression.

Our holistic approach at Serenity Light Recovery encourages clients to explore ways to express themselves through creative activities. The experiences are rejuvenating and allow clients to see that alternative ways of expression are possible. They don’t have to turn to substance abuse when faced with life’s problems. There are options that lead to a more positive outcome.

Art Therapy and Addiction Recovery

Clients are encouraged to try different creative outlets as they progress through recovery. Here are a few examples of how our clients can experience the value of creation.


Visual arts can help clients express feelings through images and symbols. Painting or sculpting are excellent ways for people to work through their feelings of sorrow and pain. The process can release feelings of guilt or shame so negative triggers do not result in setbacks. Art therapy is a way to find strength during recovery.


Putting thoughts and feelings on paper is another creative outlet during recovery. Many clients begin with journaling as a way to get thoughts on paper. From there, they might write any of the following about their experiences and emotions:

Being able to put words to experiences can help identify the emotional and psychological impacts of drug abuse. It is another way to address unresolved issues during addiction recovery.


Music has a way of touching our emotions. Whether it involves listening or singing, music fosters healing. Clients may compose music. They may play an instrument as a way to calm the anxiety that comes with learning new ways to function. Dance is another way to bring music to life. Not only does dance connect us to music, but it also provides a physical outlet for managing stress.


People forget how to play — not competitive play, but the carefree play of childhood. When children play, they use their imaginations to hunt for buried treasure or fight a fiery dragon. Play can also involve learning to swim, climb rocks, or ride horses. Play is a way to change our focus while giving us a sense of control as we master new skills.


Performers have a unique sense of creativity. They take a one-dimensional character and create an individual that connects with an audience. Actors can become absorbed in the flow of the creative experience. When they become so focused, they become lost in the moment.

Creative Outlets During Treatment

Providing creative outlets for our clients is part of our holistic approach to addiction recovery. We understand that addiction envelopes the mind, body, and soul of a client. That’s why we offer holistic therapy. We are focused on healing the person. We offer wellness activities such as yoga and nutrition to maintain a healthy body. We encourage participation in creative activities that can redirect your focus to more positive experiences such as dancing, painting, or singing.

Contact Serenity Light Recovery Today

Serenity Light Recovery offers a range of treatment options to ensure that each client has access to the therapies they need for addiction recovery. These programs include:

These are just a few of the treatment options offered at our Houston facility.

Our goal at Serenity Light Recovery is to heal the person, not just the addiction. We want our clients to develop the skills to lead a fulfilling and healthy life. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact our team at (281) 431-6700 to discuss the many treatment options that we have available.